How to use "virtuous" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "virtuous" in popular movie and book plots

  • Falstaff's Henry chastises Hal for spending his time with common criminals, but names Sir John Falstaff as his one virtuous friend.  - Chimes at Midnight
  • A virtuous knight had stabbed him in the heart before he could draw a breath, but someone worthy can remove the sword to awaken Acathla.  - Becoming (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
  • Demetrius and Glycon (William Marshall) (another virtuous gladiator) take the robe to Peter, and they leave the Imperial Palace together.  - Demetrius and the Gladiators
  • This introduces alcohol, gambling, and violence to the island, and ruins the natives' virtuous way of life.  - Missionary: Impossible
  • Chremylos presents himself and his family as virtuous but poor, and has accordingly gone to seek advice from an oracle.  - Plutus (play)
  • The hitherto virtuous Lady Brute is provoked to infidelity by her sour, sottish husband.  - The Provoked Wife
  • The poem opens in England during the reign of Athelwold, who is described in ideal terms as a just and virtuous king.  - Havelok the Dane
  • She is presented with sexual lessons, hidden under a virtuous mask.  - Justine (de Sade novel)
  • The Old Curiosity Shop tells the story of Nell Trent, a beautiful and virtuous young girl of "not quite fourteen".  - The Old Curiosity Shop
  • Jack is obsessed with the idea of himself as a virtuous and gifted young man, and is able to convince himself that his lies are the truth.  - This Boy's Life
  • Since that helped enable the ultimate goal of a socialist utopia, it was both the logical and the virtuous thing to do.  - Darkness at Noon
  • As she recovers in the bathroom, Rizzo makes fun of her innocence and virtuous nature ("Look At Me, I'm Sandra Dee").  - Grease (film)
  • Set in Italy, Emilia Galotti tells the story of a virtuous young woman of the bourgeoisie.  - Emilia Galotti
  • They are opposites: Aron is virtuous and dutiful, Cal wild and rebellious.  - East of Eden (novel)
  • The novel tells the story of Colonel Thomas Newcome, a virtuous and upstanding character.  - The Newcomes
  • Merteuil is amused and incredulous; how can Valmont ever hope to bed the virtuous Madame Tourvel.  - Dangerous Liaisons

Meaning of "virtuous" in English

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Meaning of "virtuous" in Hindi

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