How to use "visceral" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "visceral" in popular movie and book plots

  • In their daily life, "everything's dull", so it is no wonder that Jewel and Ray enjoy the visceral excitement of gambling.  - Bob the Gambler (novel)
  • House realizes Charlotte was in Rio without telling Eddie, where she contracted visceral leishmaniasis.  - Simple Explanation
  • Meanwhile, deep underground, the creature vomits what appears to be the visceral remains of Marie into a person-shaped mold in the soil.  - The Gift (The X-Files)
  • After the fight, Elizabeth reveals a wet tank-top and has sex onsite with John with intensely visceral passion.  - 9½ Weeks
  • Although the Dirbanu intellectually know that this is not the case, their visceral reaction to the concept nonetheless repels them.  - The World Well Lost
  • In the process of attempting to interview a drug lord in Sydney, Harry ends up in a visceral fight.  - The Bat (novel)

Meaning of "visceral" in English

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Meaning of "visceral" in Hindi

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