How to use "visionary" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "visionary" in popular movie and book plots

  • Cheuk is visionary and believes that fate the country lies on Tit.  - 7 Assassins
  • Lies of Light continues the saga of a man consumed by his obsession, a visionary whose one desire is to accomplish his greatest work.  - Lies of Light
  • “The narrator muses scenarios aloud to voice herself into an indeterminate environment, both visionary and material”.  - At the Bottom of the River
  • Roland enters a terrifying visionary hallucination revealing the nature of the cosmos.  - The Gunslinger and the Dark Man
  • Is his commitment visionary or illusionary.  - David der Tolhildan
  • He pursues the investment capital he needs to build his visionary steam-powered ship.  - Little Old New York
  • In keeping with Sand's interest in equality, Mauprat depicts a new type of literary figure, the peasant visionary Patience.  - Mauprat (novel)
  • This visionary quest begins on the operating table where a surgeon grafts a prototype ocular implant into his eye socket.  - My Eye for a Camera
  • They depart for the High Peak in Derbyshire, determined to continue Robin's work and fulfill his visionary ideal.  - Bows against the Barons
  • Bashkirtsev's career takes shape after his meeting with visionary space scientist Tsiolkovsky (played by Smoktunovsky).  - Taming of the Fire
  • The story abounds in mythical elements, introduced by means of the visionary and dreamlike literary depiction (eg.  - The Street of Crocodiles
  • A visionary and gifted young Hollywood director known as Boy Wonder (Dreyfuss) has fallen out of favor with the studios.  - Inserts (film)
  • Mud is blessed with visionary powers and can occasionally see into the future.  - The White Bone
  • But his story is experienced by an anonymous narrator, who, during a visionary dream, assumes Pernath's identity thirty years before.  - The Golem (Meyrink novel)
  • Constantine is a skilled mage and visionary political theorist with dreams of moving the world beyond its stagnant situation.  - Metropolitan (novel)
  • Deronda, searching for Mirah's family, meets a consumptive visionary named Mordecai.  - Daniel Deronda

Meaning of "visionary" in English

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Meaning of "visionary" in Hindi

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