How to use "visualize" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "visualize" in popular movie and book plots

  • Magical spectacle, which was given to Lanty and Bunty has the power to visualize actual appearance of devils, god and humans as it is.  - Bahubuthayo
  • Thereafter, Max appears to become clairvoyant and is able to visualize the stock market patterns he had been searching for.  - Pi (film)
  • Oleg suggests a few techniques including that she visualize him in the room as well as clenching her anus.  - Arpanet (The Americans)
  • Since there are no controls, Jensen suggests that they visualize a nearby destination.  - Devil's Pass
  • Ben Richards attempts to finish a portrait of man in a suit, but he can not visualize the face, which remains blank.  - I Can See You (film)
  • He accepts his fate peacefully and starts to visualize the events of his past.  - The Law of Life
  • The writer and producer visualize the whole story sitting in the office and the film progresses.  - Romantic Comedy 101
  • Hoss says Joe should tell Ben, but Joe asks Hoss to visualize what would happen when he told Ben the truth.  - The Flapjack Contest
  • She is able to visualize her premonitions through drawings, but she often cannot interpret them until it is too late.  - Dark Visions Trilogy
  • One day, Raja suddenly feels headache and he could not visualize any colour.  - King (2002 film)
  • Later that day, Tom begins to hear phone transmissions and can visualize digital signals.  - IBoy
  • Tecplot 360 is also used in chemistry applications to visualize molecule structure by post-processing charge density data.  - Tecplot
  • He is able to visualize the stages of youth and old age but keeps having trouble with adulthood.  - In Praise of Love (film)
  • Mamo deems Lupin unworthy of eternal life and attempts to visualize his perverted nature to Fujiko, but she refuses to abandon him.  - The Mystery of Mamo

Meaning of "visualize" in English

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Meaning of "visualize" in Hindi

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