How to use "vitality" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "vitality" in popular movie and book plots

  • She then restores his vitality with a stirring Polonaise.  - The Music Cure
  • The advisor tells Ron that the aging Federation needs Earth’s energy, drive, and vitality to rejuvenate itself.  - Planet of Light
  • Two hundred years ago, a group of unethical doctors learned to extend their lives by draining the vitality of others.  - The Man Who Turned to Stone
  • But when she meets the American Frank Davies (Barry Stokes) at a party, her passion and vitality return.  - Rendezvous in Paris
  • He dreams that the far-off days of rural vitality can be born anew.  - A Peasant on a Bicycle
  • Considering the vitality of her return to her duties, she abandons her Venice life and returns home to her family.  - Bread and Tulips
  • Lawrence recovers unnaturally quickly, and develops heightened vitality and senses.  - The Wolfman (2010 film)
  • She is known for her vitality and beauty, and many want to know her secret to staying young and beautiful.  - Queen of the Nile (The Twilight Zone)
  • And these are the women Guido has loved, and from whom he has derived the entire vitality of a creative life, now as stalled as his marriage.  - Nine (musical)
  • Tascela plans to use Valeria's vitality to restore her youth.  - Red Nails
  • Poirot notes the unusual vitality in the face of the portrait and says, "It is a very remarkable picture.  - Five Little Pigs
  • She herself has so much vitality that she cannot minister Henry any longer.  - The Genius and the Goddess

Meaning of "vitality" in English

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Meaning of "vitality" in Hindi

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