How to use "vulnerable" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "vulnerable" in popular movie and book plots

  • Since Earth will be vulnerable while the REF rebuilds, the fighter squadrons will remain at Moon Base ALUCE.  - Robotech: The Shadow Chronicles
  • On the night of Naoko's 20th birthday, she feels especially vulnerable and they have sex, during which Watanabe realizes that she is a virgin.  - Norwegian Wood (novel)
  • If he does not make it back, he will be put to sleep, making him vulnerable to theft.  - Giftpia
  • Other recent events also plague Wanda, leaving her vulnerable to Doom's scheme.  - Avengers Disassembled
  • The ships of the Armada drop anchor, and the Armada becomes vulnerable for English fire ships.  - Elizabeth: The Golden Age
  • He predicts that this act would make Imoinda vulnerable to subjugation and rape after his death.  - Oroonoko
  • With a 43% direct-mortality rate, the virus succeeds in effectively crippling the League of Nobles, leaving them vulnerable to attack.  - Dune: The Battle of Corrin
  • Convinced of her husband's identity, she tells him that Castor will be vulnerable at Lazarro's funeral.  - Face/Off
  • Realizing that the water supply is vulnerable to being cut off or poisoned, Harris installs guards at the Waterworks, which he built.  - In the Skin of a Lion
  • Before dying, John tells them that although Chucky is a doll, his heart is fully human and vulnerable to fatal injury.  - Child's Play (1988 film)
  • This leaves his abandoned body vulnerable to Nebula, his alleged granddaughter.  - The Infinity Gauntlet
  • Although their youth has given them some resistance to the disease, they are still vulnerable to it and will eventually succumb to mutation.  - The Omega Man
  • In the end he is seen as "just a great ape on a football field", vulnerable to the ravages of time and injury.  - This Sporting Life
  • Pao's cultural homogeneity contributes to making it vulnerable to external military and economic pressures.  - The Languages of Pao
  • The Rebels analyze the Death Star's plans and identify a vulnerable exhaust port that connects to the station's main reactor.  - Star Wars (film)
  • There is an attempt to drive a vulnerable student to suicide and a physical assault on Harriet that almost kills her.  - Gaudy Night

Meaning of "vulnerable" in English

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Meaning of "vulnerable" in Hindi

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