How to use "wanderlust" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "wanderlust" in popular movie and book plots

  • It concerns Damon, a South African writer who is infected by wanderlust as he goes backpacking abroad and meet different people.  - In a Strange Room
  • He, however, is determined to see California, but promises to return when his wanderlust is satisfied.  - Arizona (1940 film)
  • To spread, the disease controls human behavior, urging men to have wanderlust so they can infect new hosts.  - Hostess (short story)
  • Other than his boxing practice, Siddhu leads a relatively aimless and wanderlust life.  - Ghulam (film)
  • Because the need to be outdoors and to travel has been eliminated, thoughts of wanderlust are considered perverse.  - The World Inside
  • Ida and Sean want to settle down, but Paddy has wanderlust and never wants to stay in one place for long.  - The Sundowners

Meaning of "wanderlust" in English

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Meaning of "wanderlust" in Hindi

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