How to use "wane" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "wane" in popular movie and book plots

  • The winds of change have made classical music wane in popularity, while pop music is on the ascendant.  - Sankarabharanam
  • His powers wane when the royal guard arrives.  - Dak Bangla
  • Rooder powers peak at the age of fifteen, and wane afterward, disappearing completely by the age of twenty.  - Clock Tower 3
  • With Cartmanland now filled with people and lines becoming longer than ever, Cartman's enjoyment begins to wane and he screams in anger.  - Cartmanland
  • They wax and wane periodically, but when the mushrooms are waxing, they are extremely deadly.  - The Grim Grotto
  • Schouler's progress is also beginning to wane when he spies McTeague and moves in to arrest him.  - Greed (film)

Meaning of "wane" in English

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Meaning of "wane" in Hindi

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