How to use "wanton" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "wanton" in popular movie and book plots

  • Pettigrew is incensed at both Beatrice's rejection and the loss of his son, and thus attempts to have Beatrice arrested as a wanton harlot.  - Satoko Morishita
  • Upon his return to Grantchester, Brooke also finds himself expelled from The Orchard because of his wanton social life.  - The Great Lover (novel)
  • While her mother continues to behave with the selfish freedom of a wanton child.  - The Head of the House of Coombe
  • Day's wanton attempts to make electronic music popular put strain on his marriage to the director.  - Speaking in Code
  • She then admits her feelings for Gunner, as well as to her wanton past, declaring to her soon-to-be-ex-husband, "I am anybody's girl".  - Fast Workers
  • Just then, Kudayū interrupts and accuses Yuranosuke of being wanton as a deceptive stratagem.  - Kanadehon Chūshingura
  • Later Conan is in a tavern with a wanton woman of his.  - The Hall of the Dead
  • Cleopatra's life is desired by the church, as the wanton woman's rule has become intolerable.  - Cleopatra (1917 film)
  • Meanwhile, Abby is fed up with Gidget and decides to take her down a notch by spreading a wanton rumor about her.  - Gidget Goes Hawaiian
  • The quartet have taken their final exams and are enjoying the summertime, although Vyvyan is bored and begins wanton violence and destruction.  - Summer Holiday (The Young Ones)
  • They paint a picture of her as wanton and cavorting at clubs with a South American gigolo.  - The Labours of Hercules
  • The "japery" alluded to in the title is Allen Purcell's wanton destruction of a statue of General Streiter.  - The Man Who Japed
  • Pettigrew is incensed at both Beatrice's rejection and the loss of his son, and thus attempts to have Beatrice arrested as a wanton harlot.  - The Mountain Eagle
  • – the little wanton ending up in tears at the foot of the cross.  - Twentieth Century (film)
  • The people indulge their most wanton desires in an orgy of sinfulness, Dathan took Lilia for sacrifice for the calf.  - The Ten Commandments (1956 film)
  • Through conversation Marlow discovers just how wanton Kurtz can be; how the natives worship him; and how very ill he has been of late.  - Heart of Darkness

Meaning of "wanton" in English

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Meaning of "wanton" in Hindi

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