How to use "warily" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "warily" in popular movie and book plots

  • There, he warily accepts the fealty of its governor, who is known for treachery.  - Safehold
  • Martin warily goes along and tells Joseph that they are in a false wall in a university lecture hall.  - Room 2426
  • The story continues with the couples circling each other warily in different encounters, until one day, Maro visits Kikitsa by herself.  - The Burnt Ones
  • One day, Ellie May warily accepts a ride to the beach from Gramp (Henry Travers).  - Primrose Path (film)
  • John warily asks what the Cowboy is, and is told he is a cowboy, pure and simple, even as his skin begins to turn both blue and translucent.  - The Big Empty (2003 film)
  • Goofy says, while warily looking around him: "I'm brave.  - Lonesome Ghosts
  • At the hotel, bothered by back pain, Catherine warily accepts Henri's offer of a back rub.  - I Was a Male War Bride
  • As The poor Snowman returned warily home, his mind was in a whirl.  - Santa vs. the Snowman 3D
  • The three women warily size each other up.  - The Honey Pot
  • Apparently, his life is driven by his nature to warily review his surroundings.  - Trap of Gold
  • Released, the puppet warily explores the darkened rooms about him.  - Street of Crocodiles
  • Gloria warily accepts, much to Burns' delight and Smithers' chagrin.  - A Hunka Hunka Burns in Love
  • Justice warily accepts, mainly because she has to go to Oakland for a hair show, and her car dies at the last minute.  - Poetic Justice (film)
  • They are welcomed warily by a tribe of outsiders who have rejected Time Lord society and live in the wastelands.  - The Invasion of Time
  • Tanner is warily accepted by her crew and starts doing jobs for her.  - Driver 3
  • Jack and Susie circle each other warily from gig to gig, neither wanting to make the first move.  - The Fabulous Baker Boys

Meaning of "warily" in English

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Meaning of "warily" in Hindi

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