How to use "waver" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "waver" in popular movie and book plots

  • Her motivations waver as her emotional attachment to the young McArthur grows, until her relationship takes precedence over her revenge.  - Framed (1930 film)
  • Faraday and Caroline waver between romance and confused platonic friendship.  - The Little Stranger
  • Horace is then drugged by the assassins, causing his eyes to waver a lot, and he is unable to see clearly.  - The Kings of Clonmel
  • Even Irina, the freshest, most optimistic of the sisters, begins to waver in her dreams until, finally, tragedy strikes.  - Three Sisters (1994 film)
  • Looking in the mirror again she sees the dust shape, only thinner this time, also her reflection seems to waver and move.  - Leaving Poppy
  • Although Dolph is taken aback by this information, his love for Nada does not waver and he keeps the betrothal intact.  - Heaven Cent
  • As Clytemnestra approaches, Orestes begins to waver on his decision to murder their mother.  - Electra (Euripides play)
  • Both Philip and Caroline eventually fall under the charm of Italy, which causes them to waver in their original purpose.  - Where Angels Fear to Tread

Meaning of "waver" in English

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Meaning of "waver" in Hindi

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