How to use "wholeheartedly" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "wholeheartedly" in popular movie and book plots

  • The gullible Sanjana wholeheartedly believes the story, much to Kishan's frustration.  - Thank You (2011 film)
  • He also tells her that he is happy for Vasanthan's success and is wholeheartedly supporting his election campaign.  - Ko (film)
  • He offered her to take her to Mumbai and she wholeheartedly agreed.  - Aparichithan
  • Roshan eventually warms to the place and wholeheartedly embraces the sense of community.  - Delhi-6
  • Tithi helps Arun wholeheartedly in this mission.  - Takkar (2008 film)
  • She wholeheartedly agrees with the marriage.  - Sarvam
  • Bajrangi wholeheartedly does the hardworksometimes himself getting injured.  - Delhi Safari
  • He tells Arty this, and Arty wholeheartedly agrees.  - Time Considered as a Helix of Semi-Precious Stones
  • They then chance upon a meeting with a flying vanara Hanuman, a messenger to Sugriva, who agrees wholeheartedly to take them to meet him.  - Ramayana: The Legend of Prince Rama
  • Matangi isn't as willing to wholeheartedly accept the edicts of theS.  - Hurricane (1979 film)
  • At first he is turned away but he is called back and the Raibahadur accepts him wholeheartedly once he comes to know of Rajan identity.  - Ek Bechara
  • Louise is wholeheartedly against the idea, but goes along.  - The Lusty Men
  • His only bright spark in a cold gloomy palace was his love for Concubine Chen and a young eunuch who wholeheartedly supports him.  - The Empress Dowager
  • Mace tackles his mission wholeheartedly until Mitch is nearly killed by a bomb planted in his home.  - Raw Justice
  • He invites Josie down to London to come and see Billy at Philips club and Josie wholeheartedly decides to go and visit her son.  - Taboo (musical)
  • Nicci, wholeheartedly converted to Richard's cause after seeing his sculpture, removes the maternity bond to Kahlan and heals Richard.  - Faith of the Fallen

Meaning of "wholeheartedly" in English

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Meaning of "wholeheartedly" in Hindi

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