How to use "widespread" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "widespread" in popular movie and book plots

  • With widespread gas lines and prices over $300 per gallon, theS.  - Oil Storm
  • Chaos ensues, and widespread looting begins.  - Treehouse of Horror X
  • London and other ports are flooded (the government relocates to Harrogate), causing widespread social and political collapse.  - The Kraken Wakes
  • Nevertheless, nobody believes Jack's story, and every move he makes is immediately silenced by a seemingly widespread conspiracy.  - Blow Out
  • Eventually, widespread rioting and looting occur.  - Poppa's Got a Brand New Badge
  • Fearing widespread panic, President Ronald Reagan (theS.  - Legends (comics)
  • The belief in a "twin" world, Terra, is widespread on Antiterra as a sort of fringe religion or mass hallucination.  - Ada or Ardor: A Family Chronicle
  • This seeming incompetence provoked widespread outrage and destroyed public confidence in local security.  - The Gap Cycle
  • His army is defeated, but he flees into the volcano Tharsis, where he plans to shatter the Cloudspine itself, causing widespread devastation.  - Myth II: Soulblighter
  • In the small town of Oakey Oaks, Chicken Little causes widespread panic and mayhem when he rings the alarm bell, claiming the sky is falling.  - Chicken Little (2005 film)
  • The tenth book, dedicated to Krishna, is responsible for the widespread popularity of the Bhagavata Purana.  - Bhagavata Purana
  • The widespread adoption of the reactors cause an enormous outpouring of pure absolute into the world.  - The Absolute at Large
  • Devastated, Setsuna awakens Alexiel's soul, causing widespread damage.  - Angel Sanctuary
  • The world has become a very dangerous place due to widespread unemployment and the easy availability of deadly weapons.  - The Forever War
  • The news about the mystery horse is soon widespread and the Black is entered into the race.  - The Black Stallion (film)
  • Javier explains to the media about the widespread corruption in the police force and army.  - Traffic (2000 film)

Meaning of "widespread" in English

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Meaning of "widespread" in Hindi

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