How to use "wilt" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "wilt" in popular movie and book plots

  • As water sources dry up from an oasis town, the plants wilt and animals go hungry.  - Atelier Shallie: Alchemists of the Dusk Sea
  • Up and down, down and up — it takes a look-that-could-kill from the maestro to wilt the two back into their chairs.  - You're Darn Tootin'
  • The only difference is that the plastic flowers never wilt and die.  - Three Seasons
  • The virus also kills all the plants, making them wilt and turn brown.  - Alien Hunter
  • While he is away, ticket sales and audiences at the Savoy Theatre wilt in the hot summer weather.  - Topsy-Turvy
  • Catesby replied "No, no, Tom, thou shalt not venture to small purpose, but if thou wilt be a traitor thou shalt be to some great advantage".  - Robert Catesby

Meaning of "wilt" in English

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Meaning of "wilt" in Hindi

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