How to use "windfall" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "windfall" in popular movie and book plots

  • Charlie's backers hope for a huge financial windfall when he begins to court beautiful young heiress Linda Craig (Helen Wood).  - Champagne Charlie (1936 film)
  • They soon discover that the windfall is not quite enough to finance their dreams of attracting and marrying millionaires.  - Three Little Girls in Blue
  • Seeing the chance for revenge, she uses her windfall to set up her own grocery store, directly opposite that of the Grice emporium.  - The Root of All Evil (1947 film)
  • The gang has now collected money from both TGS and Carvel for 21 free cakes, a windfall of nearly 800 dollars.  - Reaganing
  • With this windfall he buys a small tea-shop in a more upper-class section of their town, and generally lives the high life.  - Lancashire Luck
  • When Ziggy fails to show appreciation for the windfall because the drug operation was supposed to be his domain, Nick pushes him.  - Backwash (The Wire)
  • George finds a wallet containing $100, a windfall by his standards.  - The Wayward Bus
  • Thinking the money is a windfall intended for her, mrs Ross makes elaborate plans.  - The Whisperers
  • This windfall allows the family to go home and prosper once more.  - The Good Earth (film)

Meaning of "windfall" in English

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Meaning of "windfall" in Hindi

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