How to use "winsome" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "winsome" in popular movie and book plots

  • Prince Brilliant reunites with Lady Daffodilia, who is now a “dainty, winsome little lady,” and she is in awe at how tall he has become.  - The Lady Daffodilia
  • Jeanne (Taliaferro) is sweet and winsome while her brother Jaques (Taliaferro), pampered by her father, is ill-tempered.  - The Jury of Fate
  • They tag along with a troupe of folk artists who intend entertaining the winsome Sultan of Salamia (Amjad Khan).  - Vikram (1986 Tamil film)
  • "), but Bill's winsome charm soon wins her over, and she forgives him.  - Kiss Me Kate (film)
  • Though he is now exonerated of the charges, he has no time to get to London and has thus lost everythingexcept the love of the winsome Aouda.  - Around the World in 80 Days (1956 film)

Meaning of "winsome" in English

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Meaning of "winsome" in Hindi

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