How to use "wisdom" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "wisdom" in popular movie and book plots

  • His wife, Rose (Vera Miles), needs to have her wisdom teeth extracted at a cost of $300, but the couple does not have that much money.  - The Wrong Man
  • They plan to use his wisdom in leading their own armies of the undead.  - Heroes of Might and Magic III
  • The solution involves the wisdom of Sherlock Holmes, the methods of Hercule Poirot, and the style of Lord Peter Wimsey.  - To Say Nothing of the Dog
  • The Tuyere calm him down by a display of magnanimity, reminding him of their power, wisdom and seniority.  - The Eyes of Heisenberg
  • They nervously accept the wisdom of this, and promise to attend Jeff and Comfort's wedding.  - The Last Rites of Jeff Myrtlebank
  • When she recovers, she find she has gained wisdom and an icy calm and lost all fear.  - Gai-Jin
  • The prize for winning the race is Enlightenment, the wisdom to know everything.  - Enlightenment (Doctor Who)
  • As they cut ties, Brian, displaying wisdom one can only assume has been gleaned from his former mentor, states: "Everything ends badly.  - Cocktail (1988 film)
  • Maya, now a heroine of the hive, becomes a teacher, like mrs Cassandra and shares her experiences and wisdom with the future generation.  - Maya the Bee
  • that he will use his wisdom to guide, rather than lead, humankind.  - Kingdom Come (comics)
  • The last chapter reflects on the wisdom and ideals of Coverdale, now cynical about his purpose in life.  - The Blithedale Romance
  • When Nameless realizes the wisdom of these words, he abandons his mission and spares the king.  - Hero (2002 film)
  • They have a few "Queenly" tests ("Can You do Addition"), and some words of wisdom for her ("Emotions").  - Alice in Wonderland (1985 film)
  • This is not without exceptions, given that "Some attain this wisdom through wholly different means".  - The Animatrix
  • The reader is left with a final thought: "all human wisdom is contained in these two words, 'Wait and Hope'".  - The Count of Monte Cristo
  • His butler (Robert Greig) and valet (Eric Blore) openly question the wisdom of his plan.  - Sullivan's Travels

Meaning of "wisdom" in English

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Meaning of "wisdom" in Hindi

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