How to use "wither" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "wither" in popular movie and book plots

  • The unspoken implication is that Jim Prime would not wither away like Beale did, as he entered a universe with no other Jim present.  - Synchronicity (film)
  • As a result, the palm tree begins to wither and the princess becomes ill.  - FlingSmash
  • Suddenly, all the men in the room save for John and Chas begin to wither away and die.  - All His Engines
  • Amy impales her with electric gardening shears, and the three struggle in the pool as Felice's body begins to wither away.  - The Kiss (1988 film)
  • Suddenly, her wings wither away and she falls.  - The Faerie Path
  • The infection ceases to exist as the tentacles all wither away.  - Spore Creatures
  • He bends down to place flowers at the foot of the tombstone, but they wither away and die.  - Unexpected (Heroes)
  • In a remote shrine, Shiro chants a ritual curse to wither Tokugawa's crops.  - Samurai Reincarnation
  • Eventually they wither to dusty shells but unfortunately for them they remain conscious.  - The Hunger (Strieber novel)
  • Using the crystal, Queen Nehelenia is defeated and begins to wither with age, forcing her back into the mirror she was once sealed within.  - Sailor Moon (anime)
  • A young faun discovers his friend has gone missing into the Void and thus, the tree that nymph is bound to will wither and die.  - Faun & Games
  • The heads are then thrown into the sunlight where they wither and die.  - Vittorio the Vampire
  • He watches his mother wither away and die from the cancer and slips further into depression.  - The War of the Flowers
  • Forte then instructs Fife to "see the blossoming love wither on the vine".  - Beauty and the Beast: The Enchanted Christmas
  • has begun to wither and die.  - The Little Shop of Horrors
  • Furthermore, members of the group one by one begin to feel tired and cold, then quickly wither away and die.  - Ubik

Meaning of "wither" in English

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Meaning of "wither" in Hindi

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