How to use "wondrous" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "wondrous" in popular movie and book plots

  • Despite being a part of this wondrous district full of alien immigrants, Luluco would rather live the life of a normal schoolgirl.  - Space Patrol Luluco
  • (Charlie Rowe)--comes to life and takes her on a wondrous journey.  - The Nutcracker in 3D
  • The wondrous squid represents deity to the Church of Kraken Almighty.  - Kraken (novel)
  • Gradually, both Beauty and Dilly get the hang of making cookies and become wondrous at it.  - Cookie (novel)
  • They happily frolic through the wondrous land, which includes a syrup river, an ice cream cone field, toys, and two luxurious beds.  - Somewhere in Dreamland
  • In a role played with wondrous ambiguity, Deneuve leaves the audience (and her entourage in the film) with the mystery of her motivations.  - La Chamade (film)
  • She says they need to travel to Bethlehem, telling him "Your ears can do wondrous things no other ears can do.  - Nestor the Long-Eared Christmas Donkey
  • Manatsu concludes that suicide is not brave or wondrous and realizes the pain it leaves on those alive.  - Confidential Confessions
  • This has a wondrous effect on her libido as she goes into the hospital and has sex with her husband, who has recently injured his leg.  - Dumplings (film)
  • It seems impossible – how can he show them the wondrous Jupiter that he and Towser perceive.  - City (novel)

Meaning of "wondrous" in English

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Meaning of "wondrous" in Hindi

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