How to use "wring" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "wring" in popular movie and book plots

  • She manages to wring a confession out of him, then promptly leaves the house and moves in with her father.  - Jurm (1990 film)
  • While his parents wring their hands over the idea, Justin insists that he needs the help.  - Thumbsucker (film)
  • Embittered by Gregers' news, Hjalmar bristles at the suggestion and confesses that he would like to wring the duck's neck.  - The Wild Duck
  • Front-de-Boeuf tries to wring a hefty ransom from Isaac of York; but Isaac refuses to pay unless his daughter is freed.  - Ivanhoe

Meaning of "wring" in English

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Meaning of "wring" in Hindi

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