How to use "writhe" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "writhe" in popular movie and book plots

  • The frustrated trees writhe and strain against the knots Casper has tied.  - Boo Moon
  • He pushes the rock away and pulls at a few more, only to have the wires writhe with electric current and wind around him.  - Electric Earthquake
  • Ko threatens Tair with the gun, but suddenly starts to writhe and flail as dozens of salamanders claw their way out of his body, killing him.  - Art of the Devil 2
  • This causes Veronica to writhe in bed as if possessed and begin chanting a language even he does not understand.  - Youth Without Youth (film)
  • They start to writhe on the ground in search of clean air, and finally grow still as they are suffocated and die.  - Gregor and the Marks of Secret
  • Suddenly, Spike begins to writhe in pain as his chip fires without provocation.  - The Killer in Me

Meaning of "writhe" in English

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Meaning of "writhe" in Hindi

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