How to use "zest" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "zest" in popular movie and book plots

  • Empathy, kindness, hard work and a zest to help others are the virtues she has been gifted with since childhood.  - Desh Ki Beti Nandini
  • Mingling closely with children helps him regain his zest for life.  - Thutturi
  • At first believing he is just like all the other blase wealthy idlers of her acquaintance, she warms to him when he reveals his zest for life.  - Lovin' the Ladies
  • The book particularly focuses on the tale of the eleventh century Iranian Rehana, a woman with a zest for learning.  - The Monk, the Moor & Moses Ben Jalloun
  • She has a zest for life and is God-gifted with the unique ability to unearth water in arid lands.  - Gulaal (TV series)
  • It is whilst standing on the tarmac that Rebecca decides to hand in her notice, having lost all zest for her work.  - Mourning Ruby
  • He is a fleshy man with fleshy appetites and a very great zest for life.  - The Physician
  • He finally understands this, and returns to Kashmira with a renewed zest for making her happy.  - Hattrick (film)
  • The family now starts to treat her rudely and lose interest in her songs and zest for life.  - Simpsoncalifragilisticexpiala(Annoyed Grunt)cious

Meaning of "zest" in English

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Meaning of "zest" in Hindi

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